It goes way back… to grade school. As a kid, I was always creating—painting, making scrapbooks, altering my clothes. I tried it all in those years. In high school, I enrolled in Graphic Design classes and immediately fell in love. I even won a competition for logo creation (but my teacher told me there would be no jobs in Graphic Design in 10 years, so I didn’t pursue it—whoops).

Fast forward a few years, I got my AS degree in Journalism and Media Studies. Then I realized changing the world through journalism wasn’t for me. So I got my BS in Strategic Communications. I thought, '“This is it, I’m going to kill it in the Communications world.” But after getting my first “big girl job” in Communications and then being laid off, I realized that wasn’t for me either.

I stopped to think about what I could do for the rest of my life and be happy with. The answer: back to design and all things creative.

You see, for about eight years, I’ve had people reach out to me for help with photography, web design, social media, and brand design and strategy. But I never took it seriously enough to offer my services publicly—until now. So here I am with a creative studio—Fortune Creative Co.—where we focus on making our own luck with research-backed strategy and design. To be honest, it’s a bit nerve-racking, but I’m excited to be starting this next chapter.

If you’re waiting for a sign to make moves and do what’ll make you happy for the rest of your life, this is your sign to do it and make your own luck. 🍀

Keisha’s Story

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